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The Montclair Murder Series is the first series released by 1MarkBaylorBooks, LLC. The Garden, The Garden's Last Flowers and Kelvin Kettle are the first three books in the five part book series. These first three books are connected and tell the story of Twins Sebastian Coffee and Kelvin Kettle. Book number four The Truck Stop and book five The Huntress are two seperate stories that take place in the town of Montclair after the conclusion of the first three stories.  

The Garden


The sleepy Irish town of Montclair was about to be rocked with one of the most frightening events in its two hundred year history. A killer walks among them. He's charming and sweet. A home town boy, fresh from traveling the world, he'll blend in with society, he'll charm the ladies and he'll steel their hearts...literally.

The Garden's Last Flowers


The town of Montclair was changed forever by the murders of seven innocent women. The serial killer escaped without a trace launching a nationwide manhunt. Three men from very different backgrounds will join forces in the pursuit of this killer. These men have suffered greatly at the hands of this murderer. Sebastian, Jay Jay and Terry will go in search of the Monster of Montclair; Kelvin Kettle.

Kelvin Kettle

​Murders occur in every city but nothing ever happened like this before. No one imagined that a serial killer could come into the community and blend in with society. Kelvin Kettle, the monster from Montclair, was a chameleon and master of manipulation. Death was his companion and friend as he took lives everywhere he went.  


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The Huntress

Her darkness is what defines her and truly makes her frightening. During the day, she’s an everyday librarian and respected member of the Montclair community. When she’s in the woods, she’s the most dangerous creature alive.

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The Truck Stop

Just as everyone stopped being afraid, a new killer comes to town. This killer is carrying on the family tradition driving semi-trucks and taking lives.

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Footprints In The Sand
In the end, when you look over your shoulder and see only one set of footprints, you're being carried by the Lord. Through him and his love for you, you will win. 
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Nilus 7
Mankind spent decades ignoring all the warning signs that Mother Nature was giving. The death tolls worldwide were so immense that a total number of dead was never determined. After the chaos of the world fell apart, the greatest discovery in human history occurred in the year 2100. Alien life visited earth on Christmas Day in the Nevada desert. An alien spacecraft landed and changed the world forever.
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